Decision Support System

Decision Support System

Agribridge processes satellite images throughout the year to deliver a very powerful Decision Support System (DSS) platform that aids in monitoring, predicting & Analyzing agronomy in any Farmland, anywhere in the country.


Real-Time Monitoring

Agribridge offers a unique Farm Management Solution which will help you view your farm, plan the produce and mitigate risks in advance.

Crop Performance

Agribridge's Farm Management Suite also includes a heat-map based visualization of your farm, updated in near real time (every 5 days) that will give you an overall perspective of your Farm/ Crop health

Predictive Analytics

Agribridge uses proprietary algorithms that accurately estimate the relative Crop Health, its Phenology along with Sowing and Harvest date.

Historical Data

Agribridge also provides a data repository and historicity of all farm activity.
